Monday 12 March 2012

A Top Secret project...

I can't give too much away just yet (I need permission first!) but I did a shoot in Hackney on Friday, at for a rather exciting new product or two.

Watch this space!

Thursday 5 January 2012

Crisis at Christmas 2011

So I've been a bit quiet on the blog front of late - this is because i've been kept rather busy elsewhere. 
As a previous volunteer, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to work for Crisis (albeit temporarily) on their Christmas project for 2011. 

So between September and the start of January, I've been manning the phones and emails - helping to recruit over 8000 volunteers who run the 9 centres across London between 23rd and 30th December each year. I've heard some comical questions and read some hilarious emails - unfortunately I can't really share the anecdotes with you here!

During Christmas week itself, I put my photographer's hat back on and took some photos of the mammoth event in progress. I don't think anything can make you fully appreciate the scale of the project until you experience it for yourself.. so what are you waiting for? Applications for Christmas 2012 start in October!